Heard in Meetings 4/24/24

  1. If you feel guilty about something give yourself a pat on the back. That means you’re taking care of yourself.
  2. Truth without love is brutality.
  3. It is what it is.
  4. Food is the last thing to go.
  5. I am not the center of the universe.
  6. People pleasing is linked to fear.
  7. Not everyone in the world likes you.
  8. Recovery is an inside job.
  9. We don’t recover today by our actions of yesterday. God (HP) consciousness is our 6th sense.
  10. I’m not medicating, I’m meditating.
  11. Bless them, change me, send them everloving kindness.
  12. Pray wait trust. HP has a plan.
  13. Instinct plus ego equals addiction.
  14. You can’t think yourself into a new way of acting. You have to act yourself into a new way of thinking.