To the Newcomer

Welcome! We of Overeaters Anonymous would love to share our experience, strength, and hope with you and others still suffering from the ravages of compulsive eating. We welcome everyone who wants to stop eating compulsively. There are no dues or fees for members; we are self-supporting through our own contributions. Our primary purpose is to carry the message to other compulsive eaters and practice the principles of the 12 steps in all of our affairs.

We hope our site will be helpful to you to learn some more about OA and the recovery present in this fellowship. Take some time to read the “Questions and Answers about OA” and consider calling or e-mailing someone from our hotline and attending one of our face-to-face meetings. The meeting list has times and directions for all area meetings. Baton Rouge has at least one meeting every day. There are several sizes, locations, and formats of meetings, so we encourage you to visit more than one before deciding if the program is for you.

What you will find at meetings is:

  • Acceptance of you as you are now, as you were, as you will be.
  • Understanding of the problems you now face — problems almost certainly shared by others in the group.
  • Communication that comes as the natural result of our mutual understanding and acceptance.
  • Recovery from your illness.
  • Power to enter a new way of life through the acceptance and understanding of yourself, the practice of the Twelve-Step recovery program, the belief in a power greater than yourself, and the support and companionship of the group.

What you WON’T find at OA meetings are weigh-ins, packaged meals, dues, fees, “shoulds,” “musts” or judgment.

If you decide that you are one of us, we welcome you with open arms. Whatever your circumstances, we offer you the gift of acceptance. You are not alone anymore. Welcome to Overeaters Anonymous.  Welcome home!